Executive assistant recruitment specialist About us

Directie Assistant voor Algemeen Directeur

Als directie assistant ondersteun en adviseer je de algemeen directeur in de meest brede zin van het woord. Zowel op secretarieel, administratief als organisatorisch gebied ben jij zijn rechterhand en…

Executive Assistant CEO Normec, Amsterdam

Als executive assistant bied je de perfecte pro-actieve ondersteuning in de meest brede zin van het woord voor met name de CEO & Founder en in mindere mate aan de…

PA Regional MD & Global MD of Marketing

In deze veelzijdige spilfunctie ben je de rechterhand, steun en toeverlaat van zowel de Regional MD als de Global Marketing MD. Je biedt support op alle fronten: je bewaakt de…

PA Fondssecretariaat Pensioenfonds, Den Haag

Binnen deze positie ondersteun je de fondssecretaris met diverse werkzaamheden. Je fungeert als sparringpartner van de fondssecretaris. Je biedt ondersteuning bij de adequate voorbereiding van vergaderingen van het bestuur, raad…


Looking for a new job or considering a career move? van der pal recruitment assists you in finding a new challenge in management support that aligns with your desires, expectations, experience, and personality.


We help you find the Executive Assistant, Personal Assistant, Management Assistant, (Executive) Secretary, Project Coordinator or Office Manager with the suitable profile and the personality that fits within your organization.

Natalie Waddington

From the moment I was called by Anna Fontani from van der pal recruitment, I knew I was in good hands. I was invited to the office to interview for a job that I was very passionate about, and she saw that.

The experience with van der pal recruitment has always been very professional. I have applied in two occasions for a job and in both cases I got hired.

Nino Machavariani

Since 2019, I have been in contact with van der pal recruitment. Henriette and Frances take the time to get to know you well and assess your needs for further career development.

Jimming Lam


Keep your head down and your nose to the grindstone. That’s what a lot of us were taught to believe about work. But is it really the best strategy?

I find that people often take this sort of advice to heart — and then learn too late in their careers that there’s more to life (and success) than just keeping busy.
I’ve gathered up my top 10 lessons you should take to heart now, before it’s too late!
